The first time I’ve tried to fuck local girls, it seemed like a chore. Seriously. It seemed like I was looking for a fucking job. If you’ve ever tried looking for a job using Monster or Zip recruiter, you know it’s like masturbating with a cheese grater.
It may be fun in the beginning, it might even be interesting, but eventually, it gets really, really annoying. And let me tell you, a lot of those websites out there that are supposed to help you fuck local girls don’t make it easy on you because they make you jump through all sorts of hoops when trying to meet and fuck free of charge.
Now, it’s very easy to see why they do that. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this shit out. They want you to jump through as many hoops and go through as many pages as possible because there’s a chance that you might click an ad.
The moment you click an ad, somehow, somebody, some way, is making some serious dollars. Do you see how this works? So it’s easy to come up with the impression that the whole system is stacked up against you.
But the good news is that none of this has to suck. Trying to find local girls doesn’t have to be an ordeal. It doesn’t have to feel like some sort of punishment. You just have to have the right attitude.
I know you probably heard that before. You probably have heard that attitude is everything. Well, let me tell you, it’s absolutely true. Your attitude determines your life’s altitude. I don’t want to sound like a fucking bumper sticker, but it’s true.
If you think that trying to fuck local girls is going to be some sort of punishment like going to confession if you’re a Catholic, then believe me, it’s going to be a bitch. It’s going to be a hassle. You probably would want to be doing something else instead of doing that shit.
You feel like you’re just wasting your time, but when you start feeling this way, it basically means that you’re just making things harder on yourself. The chances of you actually fucking local girls diminishes greatly.
So do yourself a big favor, if you are serious about trying to fuck local girls, look at it as fun. Look at it as some sort of adventure that you’re on and allow yourself to have a good time. The more passion that you are about the search, the more likely it is that you would be not only fucking local girls, but fucking a lot of them.