One of the hottest trends in online income generation is to build dating sites. It’s very easy to see why these types of websites are so powerful. You have to remember that people all over the world are lonely. To put it even more bluntly, there are millions of people every single day who are very horny. That’s right. They are simply looking for people to have anonymous sex with.
Not surprisingly, there is a huge demand for online platforms that facilitate anonymous sex. This is why a freehookupsite is the hottest things in the online dating space. It seems that everybody and his dog is putting up a hookup site.
The Good and Bad News
The good news is that you could make quite a bit of money with a hookup site. How much money? Well, let’s put it this way. If you are able to generate one thousand paying members and these paying members will pay you a recurring subscription, you’re easily looking at, at least, $19,000 to $40,000 a month. That’s recurring income. What this is means is that, month after month, you’ve got that amount of dollars coming in.
The bad news is that building your website to get to that size is harder than you think. You have to remember that in any kind of dating site setting, you are faced with one common problem that crops up again and again. People are not going to join an empty restaurant. They don’t know if the food is good.
It’s the same with an empty dating site. They can see that there’s nobody in their city. Why would they want to join? Nobody wants to be a guinea pig. Nobody wants to be a part of the pioneer population of your website.
The good news, if you want to call it that, is that there is a workaround to this. A lot of dating site entrepreneurs actually pad their member base by creating fake profiles. This creates the illusion that people living in a particular geographic region are already members. And as a result, a lot of people are encouraged to join.